Segesváry, Victor : Dialogue of Civilizations. An Introduction to Civilizational Analysis
The author was one of the guest speakers of the 44th Study Week of the Hollandiai Mikes Kelemen
Kör (Association for Hungarian Art, Literature and Science in the Netherlands), held
11-14 September 2003 in Elspeet, the Netherlands. The theme of the conference was: NEW ATLANTIS
– Our Present and Future in the Perspective of Our Cultures -. The paper presented by Mr Segesvary can be
read in the October-December 2003 issue of the Mikes International periodical (in Hungarian,
At the conference an agreement was reached between Mr Segesvary and MIKES INTERNATIONAL
to publish his reach œuvre within Bibliotheca Mikes International. Present volume is the first result of this
The ‘”Dialogue of Civilizations” was first published in 2000 by the University Press of America. We
publish electronically this volume with their permission.
In the same time we also publish the Hungarian translation of the entire volume. The author himself
performed the translation.
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